
I am a writer, a wanderer, a musician, a reader, an artist, an amateur photographer, and a lover of the Northwest transplanted by fate (or fortune) from the Midwest. I am the “crow lady”, the woman with the wild hair, the clove-smoking and whisky-sour-drinking neighbor who laughs too loudly with her friends on the side porch.

I have two beautiful doggish companions who keep me grounded in everyday joys and a family of crows who have graced me with their own special brand of trust.

I am alive and I am blessed.

waves 2a


  1. Thank you, Barbara. I’ve already run across so many great people that I can only think that it bodes well for what lies ahead.



  2. I understand where you are coming from, and feel I am here for similar reasons. I look forward to reading more of your words …



  3. Ahh, so many wordpress bloggers alike in this sense, though I may have already lost that brief momentary spark of mine as blogging daily has become more of an obligation than a want. Your pieces are lovely, and inspire others to keep that flame burning within! ^^




  4. ironic how thru poetry, the examination and illumination of the “commonplace” keeps them from becoming as you put it, “ruts”.



  5. If we all spark together, perhaps we will light a fire and burn brightly against the cold wave of selfish abandon that seems to be the marker of our society these days.

    I’ll spark with you.
    Blessings on your journey.



  6. I love the header of your blog now, Sarah! I mean I really, really do! Well, not just, the background color – the new design. 🙂 You spent some time and effort on it, and it shows! Of course what matters is if you’re happy with it.



    1. Thanks! I was actually contemplating changing my template, but keeping the current (new) header image. Undecided. Was thinking I might like my sidebar to be on the right. We’ll see… 🙂



  7. I empathise with this. I find it curious just how helpful articulation can be in reclaiming oneself. A fascinating woman appears in the mirror, somewhat to my surprise.

    I hope your reclamation is working excitingly for you.



        1. Oh. um. er. yeah. that… have I mentioned that I’m not a perfectionist? I do it for the sheer joy of it – I hope that comes through in some way and that you can overlook my musical fumbles.



  8. Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting and subscribing to my site. I’ve read a few of your poems tonight and they’re wonderful.




  9. Ethel and I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award. You’ll have to go to fourwindowspress if you don’t know about it, and if you follow the instructions you’re a winner. We are mainly trying to let you know how much we honor you and your work, so you may or may not chose to accept the award. That’s up to you, but we certainly think you are worthy of more than this one gesture of thanks for you and your poetry.



  10. Hi Ebbtide,

    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award,
    so please visit my blog for acceptance.
    I’m playing catch up, but I am excited to visit you this year!

    Happy New Year!



  11. Howdy. Because I really appreciate your poetry I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Well-deserved. Please see my most recent post for more about the award. 🙂



  12. I love your poetry. I am most sincere in that. Some of your work has the flash of beautiful clarity of soul like William Carlos Williams. But it is absolutely you. I could read your work every day.
    Regarding that, being a newbie, I don’t know how to follow your site. Is there something in particular I have to do? Some icon on your pages. I just don’t know this stuff. Help. I’ve only been blogging for three weeks though I have lived for five rich decades.
    Definitely want to follow your page….



    1. that’s very kind of you – thank you!

      make sure you’re logged into your wordpress account – a gray bar should appear at the top of the page – you’ll see a “W” in a circle, Ebbtide, then a little plus sign next to “Follow” – click “Follow” and you should then be subscribed to my blog… however, you’ll need to go into your Reader settings to change how you want notifications of new posts to appear… that’s a few more steps involved, so if you need help there, let me know and I’ll be happy to email you the info 🙂



  13. I have thoroughly enjoyed your book, Sarah, from “summer long ago”, which is exactly as I remember it, complete with peeper songs and creak of oars, to being lake-hearted and the more mature notions of life in scars and the feelings of late afternoon…. not to mention the wisdom that knows the difference between solitude and “not having you”. This a lovely chapbook, and I’m glad I have it.



  14. What a pleasure to have discovered you through your visit to Dancing Beastie. (The waning crescent moon intrigued.) Your take on the world appeals to me very much: your art, music, animal companions, poetry and wisecracks. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  15. Hello – I’m very happy to have discovered your blog. Your writing is beautiful and I look forward to reading more of it regularly. I’m new to blogging and to writing my words down in the form of poems (I can’t quite call myself a writer or a poet as I’m a babe in that regard, but not in age!). I look forward to getting to know you!

    I also want to thank you for your “Inspiration” page, as I’ve followed several of those writers as well.



  16. Sarah, I just had the opportunity to learn of your work and blog from Val at Sandie Seashore. Your words are lovely and touch my heart. A few moments of wandering through your blog and I recognize so much of the place I have called home since birth. Washington is a wondrous place and your words bring it to life.



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